Garden wedding in the Rain
When we arrived to Maude´s family house in Grasse- France, Manu, the groom, was waiting for us by the driveway. Many friends and family members were already there and they have just finished eating their lunch in the garden. This very same garden was to host a wedding celebration later this evening.
It was a hot summer day, but you could feel storm in the air. It was going to rain without a shred of doubt. Despite the prediction, every single person gathered in this beautiful old garden shared the same carefree holiday mood. There was a big protective tent installed all over the tables and the dance floor. It was meant to be an outdoor garden wedding and no rain was going to spoil it. Just as everyone went to get ready for church, the heavens opened!
As if on request, the rain stopped for an hour, when the bride was about to come out of the house. It poured again as we all arrived back from the church. Despite all this water, this garden wedding turned into a fantastic part. No one seemed to care that, by the end of the night, the white wooden dance floor looked just like the rest of the muddy garden. Some guests abandoned their shoes and danced knee-deep in the mud as if it was brought there for their pleasure.